Table 29 Access Groups Form Fields (continued)



Contact Address

Specifies a contact e-mail address for the administrator of the InterNetNews



Date in localtime?

If a Date: header is not included in a posted article, nnrpd normally adds a new


Date: header in UTC. If this is set to Yes, the Date: header will be formatted in


local time instead. This is a boolean value and the default is No.

Path headers stripped?

If set to Yes, any Path: header provided by a user in a post is stripped rather than


used as the beginning of the Path: header of the article. The default value is No.

Bypass perl Filter?

If set to No, posts made by these users do not pass through the Perl filter even if


it is otherwise enabled. The default is Yes.

Bypass Python filter?

If set to No, posts made by these users do not pass through the Python filter even


if it is otherwise enabled. This is a Boolean value and the default is Yes.






When filling in the fields on the Access Groups menus, the order of the entries is important: The first match is the one that is applied, so enter the more restrictive entries earlier in the file than least restrictive ones.

The information you specify on the Add Client Access form is stored in the /usr/news/etc/readers.conf file, which controls reader (client) access to newsgroups. When a client connects to the server to read a newsgroup, the INN server first checks to see if that client's name is listed in /usr/news/etc/incoming.conf, the file that contains the list of newsfeed servers. If the client's address is not found on the servers list, the INN server assumes that the client is a news reader and searches the readers.conf file for the client's name and access privileges.

For more information, see the readers.conf(5) and the incoming.conf(5) reference pages.

Modifying an Existing Client Access Group

To modify an existing client access group, follow these steps:

1.From the Administration utility Main menu, choose Manage Components.

2.On the Manage Components menu, choose InterNetNews.

3.From the InterNetNews Administration menu, choose Configure Client Access.

4.From the Configure Client Access menu, choose Modify Client Access Groups.

5.In the Existing Access Groups list box, select a group for which you want to modify the client access definition, then click on Modify.

6.On the Modify Client Access Groups form, you can change any of the fields. For more information on the fields on this form, see Table 29.

7.Click on Submit.

The Administration utility displays a message indicating that the client access definition has been modified.

8.To return to the Modify Client Access Groups menu or the InterNetNews Administration menu, use the navigation bar at the top of the screen.

Removing a Client Access Group

To remove an existing client access group, follow these steps:

1.From the Administration utility Main menu, choose Manage Components.

2.On the Manage Components menu, choose InterNetNews.

3.From the InterNetNews Administration menu, choose Configure Client Access.

234 InterNetNews Server Administration