Chapter 2 Avaya C460 CLI Commands
Avaya C460 Reference Guide 187
show port
User level: read-only, read-write, admin.
Use the show port command to display port status on I/O modules.
The syntax for this command is:
show port [<module>[/port]]
Example to display the status for port 4 on switch 3:
Show Port Output Fields
Number of the module (3-6). If you do not specify a number,
the ports on all the modules are shown.
Number of the port on the module. If you do not specify a
number, all the ports on the module are shown.
You can also specify a range of ports separated by a dash, for
example, 4/5-13 for ports 5 to 13 on module 4.
C460-1> show port 3/4
Port Name Status Vlan Level Neg Dup. Spd. Type
------ --------------- --------- ---- ------ ------- ---- ---- -----------------
3/4 NO NAME no link 1 0 enable half 10M 10/100BaseTx Port
Field Description
Port Switch and port number
Name Name of port
Status Status of the port (connected, faulty, disabled)
Vlan VLAN ID of the port
Level Priority level of the port (0-7)
Neg The autonegotiation status of the port (enabled, disabled)
Dup Duplex setting for the port (full, half)
Speed Speed setting for the port (10, 100, 1000)
Type Port type, for example:
10/100BASE-TX, GBIC_SX, GBIC_LX, GBIC_not present,