Chapter 2 Avaya C460 CLI Commands
Avaya C460 Reference Guide 17
clear cam
User level: read-write, admin.
Use the clear cam command to delete all entries from the CAM table.
The syntax for this command is:
clear cam
clear dot1x config
User level: privileged, supervisor.
Use the clear dot1x config command to disable dot1x on all ports and return
values to the default settings..
The syntax for this command is:
clear dot1x config
clear dynamic vlans
User level: read-write, admin.
Use the clear dynamic vlans command to clear dynamically learned VLANs.
Only the VLANs learned by the switch from incoming traffic are cleared using this
The syntax for this command is:
clear dynamic vlans
C460-1# clear cam
CAM table cleared.
C460-1(super)# clear dot1x config
Original Configuration was Restored