Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregaion Services Routers Hardware Installation and Initial Configuration Guide
Chapter 1 Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers Hardware Overview
Cisco Product Identification Standard
Unique Device Identifier
The Unique Device Identifier (UDI) is the Cisco product identification standard for hardware products.
A product identification standard removes barriers to enterprise aut omation and can help you reduce
operating expenses.
The UDI provides a consistent electronic, physical, and associated business-to-business information
product identification standard.
The UDI is a combination of five data elements. Table 1-2 lists the UDI elements.
The combination of serial number and product ID (PID ) is unique and consistent across all Cisco
products. The PID that is coded on hardware is called a base product identifier.
Additional orderable PIDs may be associated to a base PID. For instance, an orderable PID may describe
a packaging configuration for a product or a bundled group of products sold, tested, and shipped
together. Specific unique device identifier (UDI) benefits include the following:
Individual Cisco products in your networks
PIDs and SNs for service and replaceable products
VIDs for product version visibility
Facilitates discovery of products subject to recall or upgrade
Enhances inventory automation of Cisco products
The Cisco product identification standard provides the following features:
Version visibility—Cisco continuously improves products through feature additions. Product
changes are indicated by incrementing the version ID (VID), which provides version visibility to
help you understand and manage product changes. The VID ma nagement ensures consistency of
changes from product to product.
Operating expense reduction— The Cisco UDI provides accurate and detailed network inventory
information; identifying each Cisco product in a network element through a standard interface.
Cisco operating systems can view and use this data, allowing you to automate your electronic
Tab l e 1-2 Cisco UDI Elements
UDI Data Element
Visibility Description
PID Yes Yes Product ID, also known as product name, model
name, product number
VID Yes Yes Ver si on ID
SN Yes Yes Serial number, the unique instance of the PID (see
Figure 1-5, Figure 1-7, and Figure 1-6 in the next
section for location of the serial number label)
Entity Name Yes No Type, such as chassis, slot, or power supply
Product Description Yes No Additional product information