Quick Start Instructions
6.Press Enter to select all packages. After completing the installation of the components reboot the server.
7.Log on to the server as root or equivalent.
8.Launch Storage Console
a.To launch Storage Console launch Netscape and ensure that the URL points to http:// localhost:360/. Hit Enter.
b.Click on the IOP # card that you want to configure; for example, IOP0, IOP1 etc.
c.Click on the RAID Storage Console link. The Storage Console appears.
9.See Section 4.3, “Configuring RAID Volumes Using the Intel® Integrated RAID Storage Console” on page
1.5Getting Help
1.5.1World Wide Web
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Th 7:00 am - 3:00 pm, PST). Credit card calls billed at U.S. $25 per incident.
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Intel® Server RAID Controller |