You can also use the Sends control region in the Mixing Console window to configure bus sends. For more information, see Using audio and MIDI track channel strips on page 155.
•FX sends are
•If you want to apply track panning (including pan position and panning mode) to FX sends,
•When Link to Main Track Pan is not selected, the track sends a
•Select the Use legacy track send gain check box on the Audio page of the Preferences dialog if you want to configure audio track sends to behave as they did in ACID 6.0 and earlier. When the check box is selected, you can open projects created with earlier versions of ACID and be assured they will sound the same as they did in earlier versions of ACID. For more information, see Using the Audio tab on page 255.
Assigning tracks to busses
Assigning tracks to busses allows you to apply settings to a series of tracks or route tracks to a hardware output.
For example, if you wanted to apply the same three effects to several tracks, you could apply the effects to a bus and assign the tracks to that bus. If you wanted to send several tracks to a single hardware output, you could assign the tracks to a bus and then route the bus to a hardware output.
Assigning a track to a bus
The bus button in a track header chooses the track’s primary output. Assigning tracks to busses is especially useful for creating submixes that allow you to adjust the levels of multiple tracks at once or apply an effect to multiple tracks.
1.Click the bus button on the track.
The button is displayed as a when the track is routed to the master bus, and the bus letter is displayed (
, and so on) when a track is routed to another bus.
2.Select the desired bus from the submenu. The Bus button changes to display the selected bus.
•If the Bus button does not appear on the track, then you have not specified more than one bus in your project settings. For more information, see The Mixing Console toolbar on page 151.
•If you want to send a track to multiple outputs — for creating cue mixes or effects sends — you can use the multipurpose fader to control the level of the track sent to each bus or assignable effects chain.
•Bus sends are