Routing tracks to MIDI devices or soft synths
Each MIDI track can be played through any external MIDI port or any DLS, VSTi, or ReWire 2.0 soft synth bus control in the Mixing Console window. For more information, see Adding track, assignable FX, bus, and soft synth channels on page 155.
1.Click the MIDI Output button. A list of all the available MIDI devices and software synthesizers is displayed.
•If the soft synth you want to use does not appear in the menu, choose Insert Soft Synth to add a soft synth bus control to the project and route the track to the new synth. Click one of the following links for more information about DLS sets, VST instruments, or ReWire device applications.
•If a MIDI device does not appear in the menu, choose External MIDI Device Preferences to open the MIDI tab of the Preferences dialog and verify that the check box for the device is selected. If a device is selected for generating MIDI timecode on the Sync Preferences tab, it will be unavailable as a playback device.
2.Choose a device from the list to send the current track to that device. To route to a specific port in a ReWire 2.0 device, choose your ReWire device application from the list, and then choose a port from the submenu.
Note: In order to render projects that contain MIDI tracks, MIDI tracks must be routed to DLS, VSTi, or ReWire 2.0 soft synths. Tracks that are routed to external MIDI devices will not be included in the rendered file. For more information, see Using the Sync tab on page 262.
3.To choose which MIDI channel will be used to send MIDI data, choose MIDI Channel, and then choose a channel from the submenu.
Tip: If you want to select multiple input channels, hold Ctrl and select additional channels from the MIDI Channel submenu.
Resetting MIDI ports
When a MIDI port is stuck playing a sustaining sound, a quick method to turn off MIDI ports is provided (much like the panic button on MIDI hardware devices). From the Tools menu, choose Reset All MIDI Ports to send a global Note Off command to all MIDI ports.
Tip: Press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to reset all MIDI ports.
Rendering projects with MIDI tracks
To render projects that contain MIDI tracks, route the MIDI tracks to soft synths (DLS sets) rather than to external MIDI devices; MIDI tracks that are routed to external MIDI devices are not included in the rendered file. For more information, see Rendering projects on page 47.
Playing MIDI from external devices
You can receive MIDI input from an external device such as a MIDI keyboard. You can then use a soft synth control (with its DLS set or VST instrument) or external MIDI device to output the sound from the external device.
Adding external devices as MIDI inputs
1.Verify that the Enable
2.From the Options menu, choose Preferences. The Preferences dialog appears.
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