3.Complete the Render to New Track dialog:
•From the Save in
•Enter a name for the track in the File name box.
•From the Save as type
•From the Template
Note: If you want to downmix a 5.1 surround project, choose a stereo rendering format.
•Select the Render loop region only check box if you want to render only the loop region to the new mixed down track. Clear the check box to render the full length of the project.
4.Click Save. The time selection or project is mixed down to a new track and a copy of the file is saved in the folder specified. As the tracks are being mixed down, a status bar appears in the
Tip: You may cancel the rendering process by clicking the Cancel button () on the status bar.
Cancel button
After the new track is mixed down, it appears at the bottom of the track view. If you mixed down the entire project, you may delete or mute the other tracks from the project, as they are all contained on the new track.
5.Use the Draw ( ) tool to paint the waveform on the new track.
Note: MIDI tracks must be routed to DLS or VSTi soft synths to be included in the rendered output. For more information, see Routing tracks to MIDI devices or soft synths on page 222.
Exporting loops
From the File menu, choose Export Loops to create new loops using the original loop media files in your ACID project.
A new loop file is created for every tempo change in the project, which can result in multiple loop files being created from a single loop media file.
1.From the File menu, choose Export Loops. The Export Loops dialog appears.
2.From the Save in
3.From the Save as type
4.From the Template
5.Click Save. A progress dialog appears for each track as it is rendered to a file. Tempo information is included in the file name of each loop file created (e.g., bass 120.000 BPM. wav).