Item | Description |
Timing tightness | Choose a setting from the | ). For |
| example, if you wanted to quantize beat anchors to sixteenth notes, choose Sixteenth | |
| Notes from the |
| Quantized beat anchors are displayed as . If the you choose a resolution from the Timing | |
| tightness | |
| quantized. |
Stretch spacing | Choose a setting from the | ) will |
| be displayed along the bottom of the waveform display. |
| Audio that contains rapid notes such as drum rolls will benefit from setting the divisions at a | |
| smaller fraction of a beat. | |
| resolution. |
| |
Redetect Beats | Click to automatically detect the beats in the current file. Use this button to apply the ACID | |
| |
Adjusting stretch markers for loop clips
Stretch markers correspond to subdivisions of beats in the audio file. These markers tell ACID where to divide the audio when performing time stretching to match tempo. Accurately detecting these beats is the key to making the
sound good..
Marker Description
Indicates a
Indicates a combination beat/stretch marker. Each beat marker on the beat ruler corresponds to a combination beat/stretch marker
on the timeline.
If you want to convert a combination beat/stretch marker to a
Indicates an inactive stretch marker.
When Sliced segments is selected from the Stretching method will be inserted to accomplish stretching.
represent the points where silence are not used in this mode and are displayed in gray.
Tip: Use the Zoom In Time (Up) ( ) and Zoom Out Time (Down) (
) buttons to change the magnification of the waveform.
As a general rule, markers that are excessively close to each other may cause clicks in the audio. However, markers should not be more than one second apart, or pitch and echo artifacts may result.
You can add, move, and delete stretch markers on the Stretch tab. If snapping is enabled, markers will snap to the current grid spacing.
Moving stretch markers
You can drag any marker to a new location. If you move a combination stretch/beat marker (), its associated beat marker (
) will also be moved.
Adding stretch markers
The biggest cause of audio artifacts due to time compression is a lack of beat detection. Make sure that you add markers anywhere the application fails to put one on a pronounced beat.
Deleting markers
You can remove a
to remove the beat marker
, or
to delete it.
Resetting stretch markers
Click the Reload button () to reset the markers to their