Muting or soloing a bus
When the Faders control region is visible, each bus displays Mute and Solo
To show or hide the Faders control region, click the Faders button in the View pane.
Muting a bus
When the Automation Settings button is not selected, you can click the Mute button
to prevent a bus from being played in the mix. Click the Mute button on additional busses to add them to the mute group. To unmute a bus, click the Mute button again.
When the Automation Settings button is selected, the Mute button is displayed as
, and you can use the button to edit mute automation on the bus track.
Soloing a bus
Click the Solo button to mute all unselected busses. Click the Solo button on additional busses to add them to the solo group. To remove a bus from the solo group, click its Solo button again.
Adjusting bus panning or volume
When the Faders control region is visible, each bus displays a Pan slider and a Volume fader.
To show or hide the Faders control region, click the Faders button in the View pane.
Adjusting panning
When the Automation Settings button is not selected, you can drag the Pan slider to control the position of the bus in the stereo field: dragging to the left will place the bus in the left speaker more than the right, and dragging to the right will place the bus in the right speaker.
You can hold Ctrl while dragging the slider to adjust the setting in finer increments, or
When the Automation Settings button is selected, the Pan slider handle is displayed as a
, and you can use it to edit pan automation on the bus track.
The trim level is added to the pan automation settings so your panning envelope is preserved, but with an offset applied. For example, setting the trim control to 9% left has the same effect as moving every envelope point 9% to the left.
Adjusting volume
When the Automation Settings button is not selected, you can drag the Volume fader to control the overall (trim) volume of the bus.
You can hold Ctrl while dragging the slider to adjust the setting in finer increments, or
When the Automation Settings button is selected, the Volume fader handle is displayed as a
, and you can use it to edit volume automation on the bus track.
Note: The trim level is added to the volume automation settings so your envelope is preserved, but with a boost or cut applied. For example, setting the trim control to