A groove refers to the rhythmic pattern of a piece of music. Groove maps in ACID expand on the software’s ability to match the rhythm and timing of files nondestructively and in real time:
•Breathe new life into your collection of loops and MIDI files by creatively applying grooves to change the rhythmic feel.
•Adjust the timing of a track to add or remove a human feel.
•Quantize and map multiple tracks or loops to a common groove.
•Extract the groove from an existing audio file.
•Create new grooves from scratch.
•Different grooves can be applied to an entire track or portions of a track so you can easily match loops with incompatible feels and tighten/loosen grooves nondestructively.
Note: Grooves cannot be applied to tracks that contain Beatmapped clips.
Applying or removing grooves
From the View menu, choose Groove Pool to toggle the display of the Groove Pool window.
With the Groove Pool and Groove tool ( ) on the main ACID toolbar, you can use groove maps to adjust the timing of entire tracks or portions of tracks.
•If you want to get really creative, try setting a clip’s stretching method to Pitch shift segments (on the Stretch tab of the Clip Properties window). When a groove adjusts a beat so it plays early, the pitch will be raised. When a beat is played late, its pitch will be lowered.
•If a groove map does not seem to work correctly on a loop, the beats in the file may not be properly detected. Click the Redetect Beats button on the Stretch tab of the Clip Properties window to apply the ACID
Note: Groove maps are applied nondestructively. If you want to change a media files's inherent groove, use the Render to new track command to render a new, grooved media file.
Important: Grooves cannot be applied to Beatmapped clips.
Applying a groove to an entire track
1.From the View menu, choose Groove Pool to display the Groove Pool window if it isn’t already visible.
2.Drag a groove from the Groove Pool window to a track. You can drop the groove in the track list or on the timeline. A groove event is displayed at the bottom of the track to indicate that a groove has been applied to the track.
To toggle the height of the groove strips, choose Show
•Drag a groove from the Groove Pool to an existing groove event to change the event's groove.
• ) to erase a groove event.
•Hold Ctrl and
•Hold Ctrl and click a groove event with the Groove Erase tool ( ) to erase the entire event.