Renaming a plug-in
If you want to change a plug-in’s name, right-click the plug-in in the Plug-In Manager window and choose Rename from the shortcut menu. You can then type a new name in the edit box.
To reset a plug-in’s default name, right-click the plug-in and choose Reset Default Name from the shortcut menu.
Ignoring a plug-in
If you want to prevent ACID from using a plug-in, but you don’t want to uninstall the plug-in, you can ignore it: just right-click a plug-in and choose Ignore from the shortcut menu.
To re-enable an ignored plug-in, right-click a plug-in and choose Ignore from the shortcut menu to deselect the Ignore command.
Using audio plug-ins
When viewing plug-ins in the Audio FX folders, the following icons are used to represent your plug-ins:
Represents a DirectX audio plug-in.
Represents a DirectX audio plug-in that supports automation.
Represents a VST audio plug-in.
Represents a locked VST plug-in.
When you use a VST plug-in in your project, ACID will lock it for the remainder of your ACID session. A lock is displayed to indicate that the plug-in cannot be removed until you close and restart the application.
To add plug-ins to your project, you can drag them from folders in the Plug-In Manager window to tracks or channel strips in the Mixing Console window. For more information, see Channel strips on page 154.
Using ReWire devices
When viewing ReWire devices in the ReWire Devices folders, the following icons are used to represent your plug-ins:
Represents a ReWire device that is not currently in use.
Represents a ReWire device that is currently in use by a soft synth bus.
When you select a ReWire device, its outputs are displayed on the right side of the Plug-In Manager window.
This icon represents an unused ReWire output.
Represents a ReWire output that is in use.
To add a ReWire device to your project, select a ReWire device (
) in the left-hand pane to display its outputs. You can then right-click an output (
) and choose Insert Rewire Device Bus from the shortcut menu to add a soft synth bus to the Mixing Console window.