6.Click the Go to Start button () if you want the envelope to appear exactly as it was in the original track, or click to position the cursor where you want the envelope to start.
7.From the Edit menu, choose Paste.
Locking envelopes to events
Track envelopes extend for the length of a track and are independent of the events on the track. This means that the envelope remains in place when you move the events in the track. However, track envelopes can be set to move with the underlying events, thus preserving the timing of envelope points in relation to events.
To lock all of the envelopes in a project to the events in which they occur, click the Lock Envelopes to Events button () or, from the Options menu, choose Lock Envelopes to Events. You can turn this feature off by clicking the button again.
The original event
Moving the event with Lock Envelopes to Events turned on
Moving the event with Lock Envelopes to Events turned off
Hiding track envelopes
After you have created your envelope and set your envelope points, you may hide the envelope. Hiding an envelope does not affect the envelope point settings or track playback.
Hiding volume, pan, bus, or assignable effect envelopes
1.Select the track(s) whose envelope(s) you want to hide.
2.From the View menu, choose Show Envelopes. A submenu appears. A check mark next to an envelope type indicates that it is visible in the track view.
3.From the submenu, choose the type of envelope you want to hide. The specified envelope type no longer appears in the track view for the selected track.
You can use the same steps to display the envelope again.
Tip: Select a track and press V to hide a volume envelope or P to hide a panning envelope. Press the key again to display the envelope.
Hiding effect automation envelopes on a track
To hide effect parameter envelopes, click the arrow adjacent to the Track FX button () and choose Hide All FX Automation Envelopes from the menu. To display envelopes again, click the arrow adjacent to the Track FX button (
) and choose Show All FX Automation Envelopes from the menu.
Tip: Press E to toggle through the display of all effect parameter automation envelopes.
Removing track envelopes
You can remove envelopes from tracks quickly and easily.
Note: When you remove an envelope from a track and then add it again, you must recreate its envelope points.