Event editing commands |
Description | Keys |
Paint the entire media length for all | Ctrl+click in timeline |
media except video (only when |
Paint tool is selected) |
Cycle event clip forward for all | C |
selected clips |
Cycle event clip backward for all | Shift+C |
selected clips |
Select Draw tool | Ctrl+D |
Select next edit tool in list | D |
Select previous edit tool in list | Shift+D |
Undo | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Cut selection | Ctrl+X |
Copy event | Ctrl+drag |
Paste from clipboard | Ctrl+V |
Paste repeat from clipboard | Ctrl+B |
Paste insert | Ctrl+Shift+V |
Insert event at cursor | Y |
Paste event at cursor | Shift+Y |
Delete selection | Delete |
Move selected event(s) right one | Numeric keypad 6 |
pixel |
Move selected event(s) left one | Numeric keypad 4 |
pixel |
Temporarily suspend Snap To | Shift while dragging an |
| event (press Shift after |
| you click) |
Erase entire event | Ctrl+click event with |
| Erase tool |
Split event(s) | S |
Pitch down one semitone | Numeric keypad |
| - |
Description | Keys |
Join selected events | J |
Create fades | F |
Reverse event | U |
Trim events to selection length. | Ctrl+T |
This command has no effect if |
there is no selected data. Trimming |
does not copy data onto the |
clipboard. Available only when the |
Time Selection tool is active |
Slip Trim: moves the media with | Alt+drag edge of event |
the edge as it is trimmed |
Slip: move media within event | Alt+drag inside the event |
without moving the event |
Slide: move event while leaving the | Ctrl+Alt+drag event |
underlying media in place |
Create fades | F |
Copy selection | Ctrl+C |
Pitch up one semitone | Numeric keypad + |
| = |
Pitch down 4 semitones | Shift+Numeric keypad |
| Shift+ |
Pitch up 4 semitones | Shift+Numeric keypad + |
| Shift+= |
Pitch down one octave | Ctrl+Numeric keypad |
Pitch up one octave | Ctrl+Numeric keypad + |
Reset pitch | Ctrl+Shift+Numeric |
| keypad - or + |
| |
Change an event’s gain setting | Keypad / or * |
Change an event’s gain setting by | Shift+Keypad / or * |
10% |
Change an event’s gain setting by | Ctrl+Keypad / or * |
25% |
Set an event’s gain to 0.0 dB | Shift+Ctrl+Keypad * |
Set an event’s gain to silence | Shift+Ctrl+Keypad / |
Render to new track | Ctrl+M |
Chop to new clip if the Chopper |
window has focus |