4.Add or remove markers as needed:
•If you want to add a marker, press M or
•If you want to delete a marker,
Tip: Use a single beat anchor/groove marker to adjust all beats forward or back equally. This produces an effect similar to slipping an event.
5.Adjust beat anchors and groove markers as necessary. Adjusting anchors and markers during looped playback helps you hear the results of your edits.
a.Drag a beat anchor ( ) (or insert a new one) to indicate which beat you want to adjust.
If snapping is enabled, beat anchors snap to the current grid spacing. Hold Shift while dragging to bypass snapping (press Shift after you click).
b.Drag a groove marker ( ) to adjust when the beat will be played. Drag to the left if you want a beat to be played early, or drag left if you want it to be played late.
You cannot drag groove markers past each other, but multiple markers can exist at the same point in time.
When the Allow snapping for
Tip: Hover over a beat anchor or groove marker to display a ToolTip that explains the effect of groove marker adjustments.
Using folder tracks
You can use the folder track feature to help organize your track list and timeline by grouping tracks so they can be quickly and easily minimized or expanded.
When the folder track is minimized, you can perform edit operations on clustered events in the group, but you cannot create events with the Draw or Paint tools or perform
Tip: You can also use folder tracks to maintain alternate mixes of a project. For example, create two distinct drum parts and move the tracks to separate folder tracks. Mute one of the drum folder tracks to choose which beat is used when you play or render your project.
Creating a folder track
From the Insert menu, choose Folder Track. A folder track is added below the currently selected track.
You can create nested folder tracks by dragging a folder track to an existing folder track.
Adding existing tracks to a folder track
To add an existing track to a folder track, drag the track to the folder track. When the folder track is expanded, you can specify the location of the track by dragging it to the desired position. When the folder track is minimized, dragging the track to the folder track header places the track at the top of the list within the folder track.