Removing tracks from a folder track
To remove a track from the folder track, expand the folder track and drag the track to another location in the track list.
Muting a folder track
To mute all tracks in a folder track, click the Mute button ( ) on the folder track’s header. To unmute the folder track, click the Mute button again.
Soloing a folder track
To solo only the tracks in a folder track, click the Solo button ( ) on the folder track’s header. To unsolo the folder track, click the Solo button again.
Editing events in a folder track
When the folder track is minimized, you can also perform edit operations on clustered events in the group. The following edit operations will affect clustered events:
•Dragging events.
•Cutting, copying, pasting, and deleting events.
Click to select a clustered group of events, or hold Ctrl or Shift while clicking to select multiple clusters of events. Selected events are displayed in a darker color than unselected events.
Events that overlap are treated as a single event when the folder track is minimized.
Mixing multiple tracks to a single track
You can mix a selected group of tracks or an entire project to a
Typically, you would use this feature when you are finished refining a few tracks and want to combine them to conserve processing power. Also, when you mix multiple tracks to a single stereo track, any envelope or track effects that you applied are rendered into the newly
This option also allows you to destructively process any track effect
1.Solo the tracks you want to mix. To mix down the whole project, skip to step two.
2.From the Tools menu, choose Render to New Track or press Ctrl+M. The Render to New Track dialog appears.