The previous technique allows you to define the playback region with a time selection and sets the
Time selection bar defines the recorded audio file’s duration.
Recording using an input bus
When you use an input bus to record audio, you can include input bus effects with the recorded signal.
For example, imagine that you need to record an electric guitar with an
Scenario 1: Plug your guitar into your sound card's instrument input and choose that input as your recording input:
In this scenario, you could then add your
Scenario 2: Set up an input bus that uses your
recording input:
In this scenario, your
1.Add an input bus to your project. For more information, see Adding or deleting input busses on page 168.
2.Set up your input bus:
a.Click the Add New Insert FX button in the Insert FX control region of the input bus channel strip to add
b.In the I/O control region of the input bus channel strip, click the Input Source button and choose the sound card input you want to record.
c.Click the Output button in the I/O control region of the input bus channel strip and choose Off. The bus output is left off so we can monitor the input through the track.
3.Set your track to record from your input bus:
a.Click the Record Input button on the track header, choose Input Busses from the menu, and choose your input bus.
b.Click the Record Input button and choose Input Monitor Mode: On or Input Monitor Mode: Auto so you can hear your input signal during recording.
•When Auto is selected, you will hear the input monitor signal when playback is stopped and during recording. If you're recording into selected events, you'll hear the input monitor signal only when the cursor passes over the selected events.
•When On is selected, the behavior is similar to Auto mode, but you will always hear the input monitor during recording
—monitoring is not toggled on and off when recording into a selected event.
Important: Your ability to monitor effects in real time is dependent on your computer's performance. Effect automation envelopes are bypassed during record monitoring.
4.Position the cursor where you want to start recording.
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