2.On the Current toolbar buttons pane, select the button that you want to move and click Move Up or Move Down.
3.Click Close to save the toolbar changes and close the dialog.
Adding buttons to the toolbar
A series of buttons are included that you may add to the toolbar. These buttons are listed in the Customize Toolbar dialog. You may also add separators on the toolbar to organize the buttons to suit your preferences.
You may return the toolbar to its default settings by clicking the Reset button on the dialog.
1.From the Options menu, choose Customize Toolbar. The Customize Toolbar dialog appears.
2.On the Available toolbar buttons pane, use the scroll bars to locate the button that you want to add and select it.
3.On the Current toolbar buttons pane, select the button that you want the newly added button to proceed in order.
For example, if you want to add the Save As button and want it to precede the Publish button, select the Publish button in the Current toolbar buttons pane.
4.Click Add. The new button is added above the selected button on the Current toolbar buttons pane.
Tip: You may also
5.Click Close to save the toolbar settings and close the dialog.
Removing buttons from the toolbar
You may remove buttons and separators from the toolbar. If you have added buttons to the toolbar, removing unused or unwanted buttons allows you to maximize the toolbar’s space. You may remove toolbar buttons either directly on the workspace or via the Customize Toolbar dialog.
Removing buttons on the ACID workspace
1.Hold Shift and drag the button that you want to remove off the toolbar. A hand icon () within an outline of the button indicates that you are removing the button.
2.Release the mouse to remove the button.
Removing buttons in the Customize Toolbar dialog
You may return the toolbar to its default settings by clicking the Reset button on this dialog.
1.From the Options menu, choose Customize Toolbar. The Customize Toolbar dialog appears.
2.On the Current toolbar buttons pane, select the button that you want to remove.
3.Click Remove. The button is removed from the Current toolbar buttons pane and will not appear on the toolbar.
Tip: You may also
4.Click Close to save the toolbar settings and exit the dialog.