2.Add to Project with Events — Adds the file to the current ACID project at the cursor position, adds tracks to the track list, and creates events for the MIDI note data on each track. Envelopes are added to the tracks to represent MIDI controller data.
•For Type 0 MIDI files, a separate track is created for each channel in the MIDI file, and all tracks are organized within a folder track.
•For Type 1 MIDI files, a separate track is created for each track in the MIDI file, and all tracks are organized within a folder track.
3.Add to Project with Events Rippled — Adds the file to the current ACID project at the cursor position, adds tracks to the track list, and creates events. Existing events are shifted downstream to make room for your MIDI file. Envelopes are added to the tracks to represent MIDI controller data.
•For Type 0 MIDI files, a separate track is created for each channel in the MIDI file, and all tracks are organized within a folder track.
•For Type 1 MIDI files, a separate track is created for each track in the MIDI file, and all tracks are organized within a folder track.
4.Open as New Project — Starts a new project, adds tracks to the track list, and creates events for the MIDI note data on each track.
•For Type 0 MIDI files, a separate track is created for each channel in the MIDI file.
•For Type 1 MIDI files, a separate track is created for each track in the MIDI file.
Freezing MIDI tracks
Projects that use soft synths can tax your computer's processing and disk resources. Freezing MIDI tracks allows you to convert each MIDI track to a .wav file, effectively taking your soft synths offline.
Freeze your tracks when you're finished editing them. After freezing, you can adjust track volume and panning only.
•Only tracks that are routed to soft synths can be frozen. Track freeze is unavailable for tracks that are routed to MIDI devices or ReWire devices, muted, or armed for recording.
•Any VSTi parameter envelopes you have applied to a soft synth bus track are also saved into the frozen .wav file.
•The soft synth bus in the Mixing Console window is not frozen. You can continue to work with effects, volume, and panning on the soft synth bus.
•If you freeze your MIDI tracks and save your project as an ACID project with embedded media
Freezing selected tracks
1.Select the tracks you want to freeze.
2.Click the Freeze Track button on a selected track (or
The tracks are rendered to .wav format. Please note that render speed is dependent on the soft synth
If you freeze a track that is routed to a multiport VST instrument, you'll be prompted to choose which port you want to freeze. VSTi technology does not allow you to freeze multiple ports.
MIDI track before freezing
MIDI track after
188 CHAPTER 12