Change a track’s input or output device
When the I/O control region is visible, each track (audio and MIDI) displays controls you can use to set the track's input device (for recording) and output device.
To show or hide the I/O control region, click the I/O button in the View pane.
To choose the recording input for the track, click the Input Source button and choose a port from the menu.
To route an audio track to a bus, click the Output button and choose a bus from the menu.
To route a MIDI track to a soft synth device, click the Output button and choose a soft synth from the menu.
Monitoring track levels
When the Meters control region is visible, each audio and MIDI track displays meters you can use to monitor track levels.
To show or hide the Meters control region, click the Meters button in the View pane.
Note: If the Meters control region is not visible, peak meters are displayed in the Faders control region.
Changing a track’s automation mode
When the Faders control region is visible, each track displays controls you can use to adjust track panning, volume and muting. The controls can adjust static (trim) or automation levels. Use the Automation Settings button at the top of the Faders control region to choose the automation mode and turn automation on or off.
To show or hide the Faders control region, click the Faders button in the View pane. To change a track’s automation recording mode, click the down arrow next to the Automation Settings button
and choose a setting from the menu.
Click the button (so the Automation Settings button is not selected) if you want the Fader control region controls to function as trim controls. Adjusting a trim control affects the entire track. When the Automation Settings button is selected, you can use the buttons to edit pan, volume, and mute automation for the track.
Audio track | MIDI track |
158 CHAPTER 10