Setting a default groove for new tracks

If you have a groove that you’d like to use to set the overall feel of a project, you can set it as a default for your project.

1.From the View menu, choose Groove Pool to display the Groove Pool window if it isn’t already visible.

2.Choose a setting from the Default groove for new tracks drop-down list.

When you add a new loop, one-shot, or MIDI track to your project, the selected groove will be applied to the entire track. Existing tracks are not affected.

Applying multiple groove events to a track

Groove events allow you to apply grooves to portions of tracks or apply different grooves to various portions of a track. The groove is applied where the groove event overlaps the media event.

The edges of groove events are boundaries for grooves, and audio cannot be grooved beyond the event edges.

1.Select the Groove tool ( ) on the main ACID toolbar.

2.Click the down arrow next to the Groove toolbar button and choose a groove from the menu (or double-click a groove in the Groove Pool).

3.Click and drag over a track to paint groove events in the same way you create other events on the timeline. Groove events are displayed at the bottom of the track to indicate where a groove will be applied.

4.Repeat steps 2 and 3 to paint groove events as needed.

To toggle the height of the groove strips, choose Show Full-Size Groove Strips from the View menu


Drag a groove from the Groove Pool to an existing groove event to change the event's groove.

Drag a groove from the Groove Pool to a space between two groove events to create a new groove event to fill the space between the events.

Hold Ctrl while clicking the space between two groove events to create a new groove event to fill the space between the events.

Right-click and drag with the Groove tool to erase a groove event.

Hold Ctrl and right-click a groove event with the Groove tool to erase the entire event.

Hold Ctrl and click a groove event with the Groove Erase tool ( ) to erase the entire event.

Zoom in to see groove markers in the groove events. The markers represent the amount and direction of offset applied to beats.

Erasing groove events

1.Select the Groove Erase tool ( ) on the main ACID toolbar.

2.Click and drag the Groove Erase tool to erase a groove, or hold Ctrl while clicking a groove event to erase the entire event.


Right-click and drag with the Groove tool ( ) to erase a groove event.

Hold Ctrl and right-click a groove event with the Groove tool to erase the entire event.

Hold Ctrl and click a groove event with the Groove Erase tool ( ) to erase the entire event.

Zoom in to see groove markers in the groove events. The markers provide a visual cue to the mapped groove.

You can also right-click a track header and choose Remove Groove from Track from the shortcut menu to remove all groove events from a track.

Removing unused grooves from your project

1.From the View menu, choose Groove Pool to display the Groove Pool window if it isn’t already visible.

2.Click the Remove All Unused Grooves from Project button ( ) to remove any grooves that have not been used in your project.