4.A professional sizing response package will be returned to the IBM ERP consultant or business partner within five business days.
Netfinity OneWorld Sizing Tool Online
Now you can access the IBM Netfinity OneWorld sizing tool online via the following URL:
Remember to answer the questions as carefully as possible so that the IBM
Sizing Center may provide you with accurate sizing information.
Request Document ID 8651
Once completed in its entirety, the questionnaire is then faxed to the IBM/ERP
Once the analysis is complete a comprehensive document summarizing the output of a sizing analysis is delivered to the requester.
The Sizing Tool
The IBM/J.D. Edwards International Competency Center is comprised of a group of experienced professionals dedicated to providing high quality sales support for IBM platforms running J.D. Edwards software. In addition to a Competency Center Manager, the team includes server platform technical specialists, a sizing specialist, a network specialist, and a marketing specialist. The tool used for sizing the OneWorld and IBM Netfinity solution was developed by the Competency Center team. This tool is based on an analysis of the performance characterization data collected during the performance benchmark test runs for the IBM Netfinity servers.
The current tool is a
5.6.2 Sizing Guidelines
We must keep in mind that while
In many situations we have seen the issue of
Sizing, Considerations, and Recommendations | 67 |