Example of Page 4
Company Wide Users
Application | OneWorld | World/World | Total Logged |
| Active Users | Vision | On Users** |
| Active Users* |
Financial |
Distribution |
Manufacturing |
Total |
Please complete this information as accurately as possible. Be sure not to double count users. Classify users where they spend a majority of their time each day. We are trying to size for a peak hour of a day when the most concurrently active users are online.
*Fill in the World/World Vision Active User column ONLY if coexistence with OneWorld is required on the same machine. Use same definition for active user as above.
TOTAL LOGGED ON USERS: Indicates the maximum number of connected users or logged on users who may or may not be actively interacting with the system.
**If unable to provide active user counts, we will assume 65% of the logged on users as being active users
Sizing, Considerations, and Recommendations | 73 |