6.After you have finished editing the script, save this under a new name (for example, DB_SQLSRVR70OK).
7.On the deployment server, click Start > Programs > SQL Server 7.0 > Query Analyzer. Establish a connection to your SQL Server using a database administrator ID and password (for example, user sa and no password or Windows NT Administrator, JDE).
8.Click File > Open. You will see a screen similar to Figure 137:
Figure 137. Open Query File Screen
9.Locate the file you just edited and saved, DB_SQLSRVR70OK.SQL (this file is located in subdirectory d:\OneWorld\B733\Database). Select DB_SQLSRVR7OK and open it. You will see a screen similar to Figure 138.
Figure 138. SQL Server Query Analyzer Screen
Implementing Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and OneWorld 191