5.3 Software Considerations
In the J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld B73.3.x Solution, the compulsory software choices for the deployment and enterprise servers are:
•Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 4
•Microsoft Access 7.0 or Microsoft Access 97
•Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0
•Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (For B73.3.1 only)
The software listed above will not require any
Therefore, the main software considerations for your customer should be aimed at the database software to be used with the J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld implementation. The choices are:
•Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and client software
•Oracle 8.0.5.x or higher and client software
Your customer may choose to use a combination of the above, although this is not recommended. There may be compatibility issues and difficulties associated with upgrading either database software in the future, which in turn may create database issues which will be very difficult to diagnose and resolve. It is for these reasons and simplicity that you and your customer should consider only one of the database packages listed.
Factors that may influence the decision of which database software to use could be:
•Database size
•Cost of skill levels available
•Ease of data transfer or data conversion from current system
•Network infrastructure
•Number of users
•Database growth rate
•Compatibility with existing software
These are just some of the items to consider; your customer may consider several more. The underlying point to make here is that this decision should only be made by a competent and qualified person, such as a database administrator.
Other software considerations you may want to review are those additional services or requirements your customer may have, such as:
•File server
•Print server
•Web or Internet server
50J.D. Edwards’ OneWorld B73.3 and Windows Terminal Server