Figure 191. Enterprise Server Setup Component Selection Screen
12.At the Component Selection screen, you may want to select all the components that apply to your OneWorld setup. In this example, prodb733, crpb733, and system were selected. Click Finish to continue.
13.When the enterprise server setup completes copying its files, the OneWorld B733 NT Enterprise Server Setup screen will notify you that the installation was successful.
14.Click OK to continue.
8.4.1 Starting the OneWorld Windows NT Enterprise Server
This section includes procedures for verifying the OneWorld Windows NT enterprise server installation and starting the OneWorld NT enterprise server.
To verify that the OneWorld enterprise environment has been set up correctly, you must run the porttest program for each environment. Perform the following steps:
1.Log on to the Windows NT enterprise server as JDE and use the password JDE.
Note: Prior to running porttest, you must create ODBC data sources for the enterprise server as you did for the deployment server. You should use Table 20 on page 236.
Implementing Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and OneWorld 235