3.14.3 Fuel System
Prepare the fuel system for storage as follows:
1.Fill the fuel tank with #2 diesel fuel.
2.Condition the fuel system with compatible additives to control microbial growth.
3.Change the fuel filter/separator and bleed the fuel system. See the engine owner’s manual.
1.Start the generator set.
2.With the generator set running, shut off the gas supply.
3.Run the generator set until the engine stops.
4.Place the generator set master switch in the OFF/RESET position.
3.14.4Internal Engine Components (Gas-Fueled Engines)
If you have access to a fogging agent or SAE 10 oil prepare the pistons and cylinders for storage as follows:
1.While the engine is running, spray a fogging agent or SAE 10 engine oil into the air intake for about two minutes until the engine stops.
2.Place the generator set master switch in the OFF/RESET position.
If a fogging agent is not available perform the following:
1.Remove the spark plugs.
2.Pour 15 cc (0.5 oz.) of engine oil into each spark plug hole.
Ignition System Damage. Refer to the engine operation manual for ignition system precautions before cranking the engine while the spark plug wires are disconnected.
3.Toggle the generator set master switch to crank the engine two or three revolutions to lubricate the cylinders.
4.Reinstall the spark plugs and torque them to specifications.
3.14.5 Exterior
1.Clean the exterior surface of the generator set.
2.Seal all engine openings except for the air intake with nonabsorbent adhesive tape.
3.To prevent impurities from entering the air intake and to allow moisture to escape from the engine, secure a cloth over the air intake.
4.Mask electrical connections.
5.Spread a light film of oil over unpainted metallic surfaces to inhibit rust and corrosion.
3.14.6 Battery
Perform battery storage after all other storage procedures.
1.Place the generator set master switch in the OFF/RESET position.
2.Disconnect the battery(ies), negative
3.Clean the battery. Refer to Section 3.11.1 for the battery cleaning procedure.
4.Place the battery in a cool, dry location.
5.Connect the battery to a float/equalize battery charger or charge it monthly with a trickle battery
charger. Refer to the battery charger manufacturer’s recommendations.
Maintain a full charge to extend battery life.
154 Section 3 Scheduled Maintenance |