NT5D11 and NT5D14 Lineside T1 Interface cards Page 213 of 894
Circuit Card Description and Installation

Man-Machine T1 maintenance interface software


The Man-Machine Interface (MMI) supplies a maintenance interface to a
terminal that provides T1 link diagnostics and historical information. See
“Installation and configuration” on page 192 for instructions on how to install
the cabling and configure the terminal for the MMI.
This section describes the features of MMI and explains how to set-up,
configure and use the MMI firmware.
The MMI provides the following maintenance features:
default and reconfigurable alarm parameters
notification of T1 link problems by activating alarms
Reports on current and historical T1 link performance
T1 tests for T1 verification and fault isolation to lineside T1 card, T1
link, or CPE equipment
MMI activates alarms for the following T1 link conditions:
excessive bit error rate
frame slip errors
out of frame condition
loss of signal condition
blue alarm condition
The alarms are activated in response to pre-set thresholds and error durations.
Descriptions of each of these T1 link alarm conditions, instructions on how
to set alarm parameters, and access alarm reporting can be found in “Alarm
operation and reporting” on page 224.
Two levels of alarm severity exist for bit errors and frame slip errors. For
these conditions, two different threshold and duration settings are established.