CiscoONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide
Chapter9 TL1 Commands
TL1 Commands and Autonomous Messages
Table9-27 REPT ALM EQPT Syntax Description
Parameter Syntax Description
almcde The alarm severity code for the TL1 message. Possible values
*C Critical alarm.
** Major alarm.
* Minor alarm.
A No alarm. Occurs only when ntfncde is NA.
atag 0 - 999 An integer between 0 and 999 used as a sequence number in
autonomous messages .
aid Always EQPT.
EQPT General parameters of the ONS 15216 EDFA2 (not directly
affecting optical signal or power bus).
conddescr Detailed text description of the event. The conddescr is 1 to 64
characters of ASCII text. See condtype below.
condtype Condition type identifies the type of alarm (maps to
cerent15216EdfaLogEventID). Possible condtype and
corresponding conddescr (in quotes) are:
CTMP Case Temperature Out of Range alarm
LCRNT1 Excessive Pump1 Current alarm
LCRNT2 Excessive Pump2 Current alarm
LTMP 1 Excessive Pump1 Temperature alarm
LTMP 2 Excessive Pump2 Temperature alarm
date yyyy-mm-dd Date of origination of TL1 message.
ntfncde Notification code (maps to cerent15216EdfaAlarmPriority).
Possible values are:
CR Critical alarm.
MJ Major alarm.
MN Minor alarm.
CL Cleared alarm.
NA N o alarm.
ocrdat m-d Date (month-day) of the event occurrence (derived from
ocrtm h-m -s Time (hour-minute-second) of the event occurrence (derived
from cerent15216EdfaDateAndTimeString).
sid string Source identifier uniquely identifies the source of a TL1
autonomous command.