CiscoONS 15216 EDFA2 Operations Guide
Chapter6 ASH Commands
Administrative Commands
Syntax Description gain gain display
Displays the gain setting for the ONS 15216 EDFA2.
Example6-7 gain gain display Command
ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> gain gain display
Target = 22000(mdB), Actual = 21985(mdB)

6.2.10 gain gain modify Command

Command gain gain modify
Syntax Description gain gain modify value
Modifies the gain setting for the ONS 15216 EDFA2.
Example6-8 gain gain modify Command
ash:hostname:ONS15216 EDFA2> gain gain modify 22000
Target = 22000(mdB), Actual = 21996(mdB)

6.2.11 voa power input display Command

Command voa power input display
Syntax Description voa power input display
Displays variable optical attenuator (VOA) power input.
6.3 Administrative Commands
The following commands are useful in administering the ONS 15216 EDFA2:
clear Command, page 6-11
exit Command, page 6-11
help Command, page 6-11
history Command, page 6-11
login and logoff Commands, page 6-12
processor reset Command, page 6-12