set service
Chapter 2 Command Descriptions 195
Telnet Passthrough Allows a Telnet connection directly to the serial port,
often referred to as reverse Telnet. 2001
Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) Passthrough Allows a raw socket connection directly to the serial
port, often referred to as reverse sockets. 2101
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Passthrough Used for testing the ability to send and receive over a
UDP connection, similar to a ping. 7
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Passthrough Allows raw data to be passed between the serial port
and UDP datagrams on the network. 2101
VNC Client Listen Daemon Remote access to a computer on the network or
internet using the VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
protocol. VNC server software must be installed on
the remote computer.
VNC Server Allows users to remotely view what is currently
displayed on the screen using a standard VNC client
Service Services Provided Default Network Port Number