User Guide for the CiscoWorks 1105 Wireless LAN Solution Engine
Chapter6 Performing Administrati ve Tasks Managing Groups
Step 9 To save the group, click Save. The new group is displayed and added to the end
of the group selector list. To cancel the group creation and discard your changes ,
click Cancel.
Copying an Existing Group
Use this procedure to create a new group by copying an exis tin g g ro up. You can
copy both system groups and user-defined groups.
Step 1 Select Administration > Group Management. The group selector pane and
group dialog box are displayed.
Step 2 To copy an existing group, select the group and click Copy:
The Copy Group dialog appears. The devices in the group are placed in the
Devices in Group list.
The Search dialog appears above the device selector. To search for devices:
a. From the list in the search dialog, select the met hod for searching: by device
name or IP address.
b. Enter the IP address or name. You can use asterisks (*) as w ild ca rd s. An
asterisk denotes any number of characters in a name or an entire octet in an
IP address; for example, *AP or 172.*.*.*.
c. Click Search. The matching devices appear in the Search Result s folder in the
device selector.
Step 3 Edit the name, if desired. Change or add the description in t he D escr iptio n text
box (optional).
For information about the characters allowed in group names and descriptions, see
Naming Guidelines, page A-1.
Step 4 To make the group a subgroup of another group, select a group from the Subgroup
Of list. By default, all new groups are added at the top level ([root]).
Note Your new group will be added to the Subgroup Of list.