
Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter7 Configuring APS
About Line Card Protection

The following example shows how to display the APS splitter protection configuration:

Switch# show aps
AR : APS Role, Wk: Working, Pr: Protection
AS : APS State, Ac: Active, St: Standby, NA: Not Applicable
IS : Interface State, Up: Up, Dn: Down
MPL: Minimum Protection Level, SD: Signal Degrade, SF: Signal Failure
LOL: Loss of Light, - not currently protected
Interface AR AS IS MPL Redundant Intf Group Name
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wavepatch8/0/0 Wk Ac Up LOL Wavepatch8/0/1 Seattle
Wavepatch8/0/1 Pr St Up - Wavepatch8/0/0 Seattle
Switch# show aps group Seattle
APS Group Seattle :
architecture.: 1+1, remote prov: 1+1
span.........: end-to-end
prot. mode...: network side splitter
direction....: prov: uni, current: uni, remote prov: uni
revertive....: yes, wtr: 60 secs (not running)
aps state....: enabled (associated)
request timer: holddown: 5000 ms, max: 15000 ms, count 2
msg-channel..: auto (up on osc)
created......: 0 minutes
auto-failover: enabled
transmit k1k2: no-request, 0, 0, 1+1, uni
receive k1k2: no-request, 0, 0, 1+1, uni
switched chan: 0
protection(0): Wavepatch8/0/1 (STANDBY - UP)
: channel request: no-request
: switchover count: 0
: last switchover: never
working...(1): Wavepatch8/0/0 (ACTIVE - UP)
: channel request: no-request
: switchover count: 0
: last switchover: never
About Line Card Protection

Line card protection on the CiscoONS 15530 provides protection against both facility failures and line

card failures. With line card protection, a duplicated signal is transmitted over ITU channels generated

on separate line cards.

The Cisco ONS15530 supports three types of line card protection :

Client based protection

Y-cable protection

Switch fabric based protection