Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Configuring Multiple Shelf Nodes
This chapter describes how to configure a multiple shelf node in a network topology. This chapter
contains the following sections:
About Multiple Shelf Nodes, page 8-1
Configuring Multiple Shelf Nodes, page 8-1

About Multiple Shelf Nodes

On a single Cisco ONS 15530 shelf, only 4 channels can be supported. By cascading multiple
Cisco ONS 15530 shelves, up to 32 channels can be supported. You can use multiple shelf nodes in
either a point-to-point topology or a ring topology. The OSCs (optical supervisory channels) can both
connect to one shelf, or they can be split between the two shelves.

Configuring Multiple Shelf Nodes

To configure a multiple shelf node, follow these steps:
Step 1 Populate the shelves with the motherboards, cards, and processor cards .
Step 2 Connect the OADM modules with cables and configure the patch connections.
Step 3 Configure the client interfaces.
Step 4 Establish network access to both shelves.
For information on configuring network access, see the Configuring IP Access on the NME Interface
section on page 3-3.
Step 5 Configure IP addresses on the OSC wave interfaces.
For information on configuring IP address on the OSC wave interface, see the Configuring IP on the
OSC section on page 9-9.
Step 6 Configure the network topology information for the connections between the t wo she lves.
Step 7 Configure APS (Automatic Protection Switching) on the shelves in the network that support the