Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
See also line card protection; y-cable protection
client signals
esconphy interfaces and 2-4
transparent interfaces and 2-10
clock rate command 5-3, A-68
command-line interface. See CLI
command modes
description 2-1
table 2-2
abbreviating 2-3
listing 2-3
syntax in documentation xvi
CompactFlash cards
booting from 10-6
copying system images 10-5, 10-6
formatting 10-2
using 10-2to 10-5
support 1-9
description 1-2to 1-7
config-register command 3-14, 3-25, 10-6, 10-7
configuration register
changing value 3-14
See software configuration register
displaying 3-5
overview of tasks 2-15
synchronizing 3-15to 3-16
connect command 4-11, A-70
console ports
configuring modem support 3-2
using 3-2
See also NME
document xvi
naming interfaces 2-4 to 2-14
copy command 10-11
copy tftp
command 10-5
CPUs. See CPU switch modules
CPU switch module redundancy. See redundancy
CPU switch modules
autoboot 3-14
configuring 3-12to 3-20
description 1-6, 3-1
hardware state transitions 3-9
interfaces 2-12
redundant 3-13
reloading 3-20
slot assignments 1-3
software state transitions 3-10
starting up 3-2
updating functional images 10-20 to 10-25
CPU switch module switchovers
forcing 3-12to 3-13
cross connections
configuring across switch fabric 4-11
description 4-11
display configuration 4-12
displaying 5-22
transponder line cards 5-21
support 1-7
data channels
OSC and 1-8, 9-1
debug aps command A-43
debug cdl defect-indication command A-44
debug cm command A-45
debug cpu command A-46
debug diag online command A-47
debug driver control ethernet command A-4 8
debug driver escon command A-49
debug driver nvram command A-50