Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
aps protection
To configure the protection path interface of an APS group, use the aps protection command. To remove
the protection path interface, use the no form of this command.
aps protection {transparent slot/subcard/port | wavepatch slot/subcard/port |
waveethernetphyslot/subcard/port | tengigethernetphy slot/subcard/port}
no aps protection {transparent slot/subcard/port | wavepatch slot/subcard/port |
waveethernetphyslot/subcard/port | tengigethernetphy slot/subcard/port}
Syntax Description
Defaults None
Command Modes APS configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Each interface in an associated pair has a configured role to perform: one is the working interface and
the other is the protection interface. However, at any given instant, the interfaces also have a current
mode of operation: active and standby. The interface that is in active mode and receives the signal may
or may not be the working interface. The working interface is the preferred interface to receive the active
signal. The protection interface is the preferred interface for the standby signal.
When a pair of interfaces is associated for APS protection using the associate interface command, the
interface with the higher interface number is the protection interface by defa ult . To override this default
configuration, use the aps protection command.
transparent slot/subcard/port Specifies the transparent interface to use as the protection
path in y-cable line card protection.
wavepatch slot/subcard/port Specifies the wavepatch interface to use as the protection
path in splitter protection.
waveethernetphy slot/subcard/port Specifies the waveethernetphy interface to use as the
protection path in switch fabric based protection.
tengigethernetphy slot/subcard/port Specifies the tengigethernetphy interface to use as the
protection path in switch fabric based protection.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.