Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
boot field values 3-23
Break key, controlling 3-22
changing 3-25
description 3-21
IP broadcast address 3-22
response to bootload failure 3-23
settings 3-22
verifying value 3-25
configuring protocol encapsulation (table) 5-3
speed command 3-4, 10-8
splitter protection
configuring 7-5
considerations 7-4
description 7-2, 7-5
displaying configuration 7-6
displaying cross connections (example) 5-22
example (figure) 7-3
lockouts 7-24to 7-27
switchovers 7-24to 7-27
squeeze command 10-5, 10-16
description 1-6
standards compliance. See compliance
standby CPU switch modules
enabling privileged EXEC mode access 3-20
standby privilege-mode enable command 3-20, A-171
switchcard redundancy controllers. See SRCs
switch fabric based protection
configuring 7-14
description 7-13
displaying configuration 7-15
example (figure) 7-13
switch fabrics
description 1-6
redundant 7-16
switchover command 3-13
switchover-enable timer
configuring 7-23
displaying configuration 7-24
clearing 7-26
description 7-24
displaying status 7-26, 7-27
requesting 7-25
types 7-25
configurations 3-15to 3-16
Synchronous Digital Hierarchy. See SDH
system images
copying from TFTP server 10-12
downloading from 10-11
updating 10-11to 10-19
Ttelnet command 9-12, 9-14
tengigethernetphy interfaces
configuring 4-8
description 2-8
displaying configuration 4-9
tengigethernetphy subinterfaces
configuring cross connections 4-11
description 2-8
displaying configuration 4-9
TFTP servers
backing up system images 10-10
booting system images located on 10-7 to 10-10
copying system images from 10-5
threshold command 4-13, 5-10, A-219
threshold-group command 4-13, 5-10, A-221
threshold-list command 4-13, 5-10, A-223
thresholds. See alarm thresholds
thresholds. See optical power thresholds
thru interfaces
configuring patch connections 5-20
description 2-12