Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
Topology Neighbor Commands
topology neighborTo manually add a static entry for a filterband, filter group, thru, OSC w ave, o scfilter , transpare nt, or wdm
interface to the network topology, use the topology neighbor command.
To remove the interface from the network topology, use the no form of the command or the topology
neighbor disable command.
topology neighbor {name node-name| ip-address ip-address |
mac-address mac-address} {port name port-name | port ip-address port-ip-address |
port mac-address port-mac-address} [transmit | receive]
no topology neighbor
Syntax Description
Defaults CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) is enabled on wdm interfaces.
Both directions.
No topology is configured on transparent interfaces.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to manually add wdm, thru, oscfilter, OSC wave, filterband, filtergroup, and
transparent interfaces to the network topology . You must also configure the network ma na gement agent
IP address with the topology neighbor agent ip-address command. By default, CDP is enabled on all
these interface types.
For transparent interfaces, you must use the topology neighbor command to add the interface to the
network topology because the transparent interfaces do not support C DP. For wdm interfaces, use either
the topology neighbor command or the topology neighbor cdp command to populate the network
For y-cable protected configurations, add both associated transparent interfaces to the network topology .
name node-name Specifies the name of the neighbor node.
ip-addess ip-address Specifies the IP address of the neighbor node.
mac-addess mac-address Specifies the MAC address of the neighbor node.
port name port-name Specifies the name of the port on the neighbor node.
port ip-address port-ip-address Specifies the IP address of the port on the neighbor node.
port mac-address port-mac-address Specifies the MAC address of the port on the neighbor node.
transmit Indicates that the link to the neighbor is transmit only.
receive Indicates that the link to the neighbor is receive only.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.