Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter4 Configuring ESCON Signal Aggr egation
About Patch Connections
The following example shows how to display the threshold group informatio n for a n in terfa ce :
Switch# show interfaces esconphy 3/0/0
EsconPhy3/0/0 is up, line protocol is up
Signal quality: Good
Forward laser control: Off
Configured threshold Group: escon-counters
Threshold monitored for: CRC
SF set value: 10e-7 (20 in 1 secs)
SD set value: 10e-9 (1 in 5 secs)
Received Frames: 0
Transmit Frames: 0
Code violation and running disparity error count(cvrd): 0
Number of times SF threshold exceeded: 0
Number of times SD threshold exceeded: 0
CRC error count: 0
Number of times SF threshold exceeded: 0
Number of times SD threshold exceeded: 0
Egress Packet Sequence error count: 0
Egress Packet Indicated error count: 0
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 frames/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 frames/sec
Hardware is escon_phy_port
About Patch Connections
Because the mux/demux modules are passive devices, the Cisco ONS 15530 does not detect its optical
patch connection configuration. For system management purposes, you mu st a lso c on figure the patc h
connection configuration using the CLI.
Configuring Patch Connections
To configure patch connections between link cards within the same shelf, use the following global
configuration commands:
Command Purpose
patch wavepatch slot1/subcard1/port1 filter
patch filter slot1/subcard1/port1 wavepatch
Configures the patch connection between a 10-Gbps
ITU trunk card and an OADM module.
patch thru slot/subcard1 thru slot/subcard2 Configures the patch connection between two
OADM modules.
patch wave slot/subcard oscfilter slot/subcard
patch oscfilter slot/subcard wave slot/subcard
Configures the patch connection between the wave
interface on the OSC module and the oscfilter
interface on the OADM module. This is only
required if an OSC module is present.