Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
CPU Switch Module Redundancy Commands
Related Commands
Last Switchover Reason Shows the reason for the last switchover when the Last Restart Reaso n
field shows Switch over. Valid reasons are:
Not known
User initiated
User forced
User forced (reload)
Active unit failed
Active unit removed
Software state at switchover Shows the software redundancy state of the processor at the time of
the last switchover.
Last Running Config sync Shows the amount of time since the CPU switch module was
synchronized with the last running configuration.
Running Config sync status Indicates whether the CPU switch module is in sync with the running
Last Startup Config sync Shows the amount of time since the CPU switch module was
synchronized with the last startup configuration.
Startup Config sync status Indicates whether the CPU switch module is in sync with the startup
Slot Shows the slot number on the active or standby system.
Time since CPU Initialized Shows the amount of time since the active or standby CPU switch
module was last initialized.
Image Shows the active or standby CPU switch module system i m ag e an d
Software Redundancy State I ndicat es w het her sof tware redun da ncy is e nabl ed for the a c tive and
standby CPU switch module.
Hardware State Shows the hardware state of the active or standby CPU switch module.
Hardware Severity Shows the severity of hardware faults. Valid values are:
0 = good CPU switch module hardware (no hardware faults)
1 = CPU switch module hardware fault that does not affect traffic
2 = fault that partially affects traffic
3 = fault that may affect all user data traffic
TableA-27 show redundancy Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description
Command Description
redundancy Switches to redundancy configuration mode.
redundancy manual-sync Causes an immediate one-time update of the specified database.
redundancy reload peer Reloads the red und an t pe er CP U sw itc h mo dul e.
redundancy reload shelf Reloads both redundant CPU switch modules in the shelf.