Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter2 Before You Begin
Interface Naming Conventions
The naming convention for the tengigethernetphy subinterfaces is as follows:
tengigethernetphy slot/subcard.subinterface
Each 10-GE uplink card has four tengigethernetphy subi nte rface s.
Wavepatch Interfaces
The wavepatch interfaces are on the front panel of the 10-GE uplink card. The tengigethernetphy
interfaces connect to the wavepatch interfaces on the backplane side. The client interfaces on other
shelves connect to the wavepatch interface on the front panel side.
The wavepatch interface operational state reflects the operational state of the corresponding
tengigethernetphy interface. If the tengigethernetphy interfaces are operati onally down, the
corresponding wavepatch interfaces are operationally down. Conversely, if the tengigethernetphy
interfaces are operationally up, then the wav ep atch interfaces are up. However, the ad m inistrative states
of the tengigethernetphy and wavepatch interfaces are independently trac ked.
The naming convention for wavepatch interfaces is as follows:
wavepatch slot/subcard/port
Transponder Line Card Interfaces
The transponder line cards have three types of interfaces:
Transparent interfaces
Wave interfaces
Wavepatch interfaces
Figure 2-5 shows the interfaces for the transponder line card.
Figure2-5 Transponder Line Card Interfaces
Front panel Backplane
transparent 4/0/0
wavepatch 4/0/0
wavepatch 4/0/1 wave 4/0