Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
Examples The following example shows how to display detailed APS information for all APS groups.
(See Tabl e A-1 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show aps detail
APS Group blue :
architecture.: 1+1, remote prov: 1+1
span.........: end-to-end
prot. mode...: client side y-cable
direction....: prov: uni, current: uni, remote prov: uni
revertive....: no
aps state....: enabled (associated)
request timer: holddown: 5000 ms, max: 15000 ms, count 2
msg-channel..: auto (up on osc)
created......: 5 minutes
auto-failover: disabled
transmit k1k2: sf-lp, 0, 0, 1+1, uni
receive k1k2: sf-lp, 0, 0, 1+1, uni
switched chan: 0
channel ( 0): Transparent4/0/0 (STANDBY - UP), Wave4/0 (UP)
: channel request: no-request
: transmit request: no-request
: receive request: no-request
channel ( 1): Transparent3/0/0 (ACTIVE - UP), Wave3/0 (UP)
: channel request: no-request
: switchover count: 0
: last switchover: never
TableA-1 show aps group and show aps interface Field Descriptions
Field Description
architecture Shows APS architecture. Only 1+1 is supported.
remote prov: Shows the architecture provisioning for the remote node that supports the same
channel. Only 1+1 is supported.
span Shows the APS span. Only end-to-end is supported. Also indicates if y-cable
is configured.
direction Shows signal switching behavior, either unidirectional or bidirectional.
prov: Shows the direction provisioning for the local node.
current: Shows the current direction status for the local node.
remote prov: Shows the direction provisioning for the remote node that supports the same
revertive Indicates whether the group is APS revertive. Only y-cable line card protection
supports revertive behavior.
wtr: Shows the wait-to-restore timer value and its current running status.
created Shows how long ago the group was created.
aps state Indicates whether the working and protection channels have been associated
and if APS activity is enabled.
request timer Shows attribute values for the APS Channel Protocol timers.
holddown: Shows the APS Channel Protocol message holddown timer value.
max: Shows the APS Channel Protocol maximum inactivity interval timer