Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
System Management Commands
To trace the IP routes the packets actually take when traveling from the CiscoONS 15530 NME
(network management Ethernet) port to their destination, use the traceroute EXEC command.
traceroute protocol destination
Privileged EXEC Mode
traceroute [protocol] [destination]
Syntax Description
Defaults The protocol argument is based on the format of the destination argument. For example, if the system
finds a destination in IP format, the protocol defaults to ip.
Command Modes EXEC and privileged EXEC
Command History
Usage Guidelines The traceroute command works by taking advantage of the error messages generated by the system
when a datagram exceeds its TTL (Time To Live) value. The traceroute command starts by sending
probe datagrams with a TTL value of 1. This causes the first system to discard the probe datagram and
send back an error message. The traceroute command sends several probes a t e ach TTL level and
displays the round-trip time for each.
The traceroute command sends out one probe at a time. Each outgoing pa cket may result in one or two
error messages. A time exceeded error message indicates that an intermediate system detected and
discarded the probe. A destination unreachable error message indicates that the destination node
received and discarded the probe because it could not deliver the packet . I f t he t imer g oes off befor e a
response comes in, traceroute prints an asterisk(*).
The traceroute command terminates when the destinatio n r es ponds, w hen th e maxi mu m TT L is
exceeded, or when the user interrupts the trace with the escape sequence. By default, to invoke the escape
sequence, enter ^X.
Common Trace Problems
Due to bugs in the IP implementation of various hosts and switches, the IP traceroute command may
behave in unexpected ways.
protocol Protocols that can be used are appletalk, clns, ip, ipx, and vines.In privileged
EXEC mode, the default protocol is assumed for the destinatio n add re ss form at .
destination Destination address or host name on the command line. In privileged EXEC
mode, the default parameters for the appropriate protocol are assumed.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.