Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
APS Commands
aps timer search-for-up
To modify the minimum and maximum timer intervals on an APS timer for the length of time the system
waits for a splitter protection connection to come up when both connections are down, use the aps timer
search-for-up command. To revert to the default values, use the no form of this command.
aps timer search-for-up min-interval max-interval
no aps timer search-for-up
Syntax Description
Defaults Minimum interval: 2seconds
Maximum interval: 32seconds
Command Modes APS configuration
Command History
Usage Guidelines Use this command to modify the minimum and maximum timer intervals on an APS timer that causes
the system to wait for a splitter protection connection to come up before checking the other splitter
protection connection.
When both members of a splitter pair are down, the system first checks o ne signal for th e minim um time
interval. If the splitter protection connection does not come up, the system checks the other connection
and doubles the time interval. This process repeats until the maxim um t ime r i nter val is rea che d o r
exceeded. Checking continues at the maximum timer interval until one of the splitter protection
connections becomes active.
Note The default values for the search-for-up timer are sufficient for most network configurat ions.
min-interval Specifies the minimum time interval to wait for a splitter protection
connection to come up before checking the other signal. The range is
1 t o 120 seconds.
max-interval Specifies the maximum timer interval to wait for a splitter protection
connection to come up before checking the other signal. The range is
1 t o 120 seconds.
Release Modification
12.1(10)EV2 This command was introduced.