Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter1 Product Overview
CiscoONS 15530 Software Features
The switch fabric has a built-in protection switch that offers less than 10ms switching time as a standard
feature. This allows uniform performance over a wide wavelength range. The built-in optical power
output measurement system has a wide dynamic range of 20 dBm to 20 dBm. In addition it offers fast
connection setups coupled with lower level adjustment to enable fast network configuration changes.
Cisco ONS 15530 Software Features
The Cisco ONS15530 offers the f ollowing soft ware func ti onal ity:
Cisco IOS software on the CPU switch module.
Autoconfiguration at startup.
Autodiscovery of network neighbors.
Online diagnostics.
CPU switch module redundancy provided by arbitration of processor status and switchover in case
of failure without loss of connections.
Autosynchronization of startup and running configurations between redundant CPU switch
Support for in-service software upgrades.
Support for per-channel APS (Automatic Protection Switching) in point-to-point, ring, and mesh
topologies using redundant subsystems that monitor link integrity and signal quality.
Unidirectional and bidirectional 1+1 path switching.
System configuration and management through the CLI (command-line interface), accessible
through an Ethernet connection or the console term in al.
Optical power monitoring on the signal from the trunk, digital monitoring on both cl ie nt an d trun k
interfaces, and per-channel in-service and out-of-service loopback (client and trunk sides).
Optional out-of-band management of other Cisco ONS 15530 systems on the network through the
OSC (optical supervisory channel).
In-band management of other Cisco ONS1553 0 systems using the in-band messa ge channel .
Support for network management systems that use SNMP. Its capabilities include configuration
management, fault isolation, topology discovery, and path trace.

Network Management Systems

The Cisco ONS15530 is supported by the following network mana gement syst ems:
CTM (Cisco Transport Manager)
For Embedded CiscoView configuration information, see the Installing and Configuring Embedded
CiscoView section on page 9-23.
The Cisco ONS15530 is supported by CTM (Cisco Transport Manag er) version 3.1.
For more information on the network management systems that support the C is co ONS 15530, refer to
the Network Management for the Cisco ONS 15530 document.