Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)E2
AppendixA Command Reference
System Management Commands
Examples The following example shows how to display wavelength mapping information for t he sy stem . (Se e Table A -40 for field descriptions.)
Switch# show optical wavelength mapping
Frequency Wavelength
Channel (THz) (nm)
------- --------- ----------
0 191.9 1562.23
1 192.1 1560.61
2 192.2 1559.79
3 192.3 1558.98
4 192.4 1558.17
5 192.6 1556.55
6 192.7 1555.75
7 192.8 1554.94
8 192.9 1554.13
9 193.1 1552.52
10 193.2 1551.72
11 193.3 1550.92
12 193.4 1550.12
13 193.6 1548.51
14 193.7 1547.72
15 193.8 1546.92
16 193.9 1546.12
17 194.1 1544.53
18 194.2 1543.73
19 194.3 1542.94
20 194.4 1542.14
21 194.6 1540.56
22 194.7 1539.77
23 194.8 1538.98
24 194.9 1538.19
25 195.1 1536.61
26 195.2 1535.82
27 195.3 1535.04
28 195.4 1534.25
29 195.6 1532.68
30 195.7 1531.90
31 195.8 1531.12
32 195.9 1530.33

TableA-40 show optical wavelength mapping Field Descriptions

Field DescriptionChannel Identifies the channel.Frequency (THz) Shows the frequency for the channel in THz. The last two digits correspond to the ITU grid number.Wavelength (nm) Shows the wavelength for the channel in nm.