Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter10 Managing Your Cisco ONS 155 30 System
Updating System Images
Updating with Non-Hot-Standby Compatible System Images
System images with widely different version numbers might not allow the standby CPU switch module
to reach hot-standby state. A different upgrade procedure is nec ess ary t o hand le these case s.
Caution This procedure might cause a short data interruption, unlike the procedure described in the previous
section, Updating with Hot-Standby Compatible System Images.
To update between system images that are not hot-standby compatible, perform the following steps on
the active CPU switch module:
Step17 Switch# copy system:running-config
tftp: Saves the configuration to a TFTP server. (Optional)
Step18 Switch# redundancy reload peer Initiates a reload of the system image on the standby CPU
switch module.
Step19 Switch# show redundancy Displays the CPU switch module redundancy status and
images Verify that the standby CPU switch module is running
the desired new image.
Note If the standby CPU switch module fails to reach the
hot-standby state, follow the procedure described in
the Updating with Non-Hot-Standby Compatible
System Images section on page 10-17.
Step20 Switch# redundancy switch-activity Switches system control over to the sta ndby CP U switc h
module by reloading the system image on the active CPU
switch module.
Repeat Step1 thr ough Step 9 and then Step 16 through
Step 19 if no problems occur with the new system image on
the active CPU switch module.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch> enable
Enters privileged EXEC mode on the active CPU switch
module NME interface.
Step2 Switch# show version Displays the configuration register contents. The d efault
autoconfiguration value is 0x2102.
Step3 Switch# show bootvar Displays the automatic database synchronization
Step4 Switch# show redundancy Displays the hardware and software redundancy states of
the CPU switch modules.
Step5 Switch# dir bootflash: Displays the contents and available space on the Flash
memory device on the active CPU switch module. If there
is not enough free space to copy the new system image,
perform Step 6 and Step 7. Otherwise, proceed to Step8.