Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter3 Initial Configuration
Configuring CPU Switch Module Redundancy
Configuring CPU Switch Module Redundancy
This section describes how to configure CPU switch module redundancy for your Cisco ONS 15530.
Note The initial default configuration will support CPU switch module redun da ncy and dat abase
synchronization with no manual configuration required.

Forcing a Switchover from Privileged EXEC Mode

You can manually force the standby CPU switch module to take over as the active CPU switch module
from privileged EXEC mode. To force a switchover from privileged EXEC mode, enter the following
command on the active CPU switch module CLI:
As long as you have not changed the default configuration register setting from au tobo ot, the sta ndby
CPU switch module (formerly the active CPU switch module) automatically boots until it reaches the
hot-standby state.
Note Data transmission through the system is not affected by a CPU switch module switchover.
The following example shows how to manually cause a CPU switch module switchover from privileged
EXEC mode:
Switch# redundancy switch-activity
This will reload the active unit and force a switch of activity [confirm] y
Preparing to switch activity
00:12:05: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested
<Information deleted>
Command Purpose
redundancy switch-activity [force] Causes a CPU switch module switchover. If the
standby CPU switch module has not reached the
hot-standby software state, use the force o pti on.