Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter3 Initial Configuration
Configuring CPU Switch Module Redundancy
The following example shows how to manually synchronize the running con figurat ion:
Switch# redundancy manual-sync running-config
Enabling and Disabling Automatic Synchronization
You can enable and disable automatic synchronization of the running configuration and the startup
configuration between the two CPU switch modules. Automatic synchronization ensures that, when a
switchover occurs, the standby CPU switch module has the most recent configuration information.
Note By default, the CiscoONS 15530 automatically synchronizes the running configuration and the
startup configuration between the two CPU switch modules.
Table 3 -3 lists the events that cause the automatic synchronization of the configuration files.
To enable or disable the system to automatically synchronize the configurations on both CPU switch
modules, perform the following steps on the active CPU switch module, beginning in glob al
configuration mode:
The following example shows how to disable automatic synchronization of t he run ni ng c onfigurat ion :
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# no auto-sync running-config
Switch(config-red)# end
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Table3-3 Synchronization Events for Configuration Files
Filename When Synchronized
running-config Upon exiting from global configuration mode in the CLI, or
within 5 seconds after an SNMP message that changes the
startup-config When a new configuration is copied to NVRAM on the active
CPU switch module
Command Purpose
Step1 Switch(config)# redundancy
Enters redundancy configuration mode.
Step2 Switch(config-red)# [no] auto-sync running-config Enables or disab les synchr onizatio n of the
running configuration when it is updated. The
default state is enabled.
Step3 Switch(config-red)# [no] auto-sync startup-config Enables or disables synchronization of the
startup configuration when it is updated. The
default state is enabled.