Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-14227-01, Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EV2
Chapter8 Configuring Multiple Shelf Nodes
Configuring Multiple Shelf Nodes
For more information on configuring y-cable line card protection, refer to the “Configuring Y-Cable
Based Line Card Protection” section on page 7-10.
For these examples, assume the following:
•Channels 17–20 terminate on the second shelf of the multiple shelf node.
•The second shelf of the multiple shelf node has no OSC support.
•The management IP address of the second shelf of the multiple shelf node is
•The management IP address of the single shelf node is 10. 3.2 .1 .
The following example shows how to configure channels 17–20 on the sing le shel f node :
Switch(config)# redundancy
Switch(config-red)# associate group Channel17
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps working transparent 1/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps protection transparent 2/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps y-cable
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps far-end group Channel17 ip-address
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps enable
Switch(config-red-aps)# exit
Switch(config-red)# associate group Channel18
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps working transparent 3/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps protection transparent 4/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps y-cable
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps far-end group Channel18 ip-address
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps enable
Switch(config-red-aps)# exit
Switch(config-red)# associate group Channel19
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps working transparent 7/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps protection transparent 8/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps y-cable
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps far-end group Channel19 ip-address
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps enable
Switch(config-red-aps)# exit
Switch(config-red)# associate group Channel20
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps working transparent 9/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps protection transparent 10/0/0
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps y-cable
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps far-end group Channel20 ip-address
Switch(config-red-aps)# aps enable
Switch(config-red-aps)# end
Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Step4 Switch(config-red-aps)# aps working
wavepatch slot/subcard/port Configures the working path interface.
Step5 Switch(config-red-aps)# aps protection
wavepatch slot/subcard/port Configures the protection path interface.
Step6 Switch1(config-red-aps)# aps y-cable Enables y-cable protection. The default state is no
y-cable protection (disabled).
Step7 Switch1(config-red-aps)# aps
message-channel ip far-end group
group-name ip-address address
Configures the APS group name and IP address on the
remote node that supports the channel.
Step8 Switch1(config-red-aps)# aps enable Enables APS activity between the interfaces.
Command Purpose